Transportation Demand Management

Transportation Demand Management or TDM refers to policies and strategies that aim to reduce travel demand, particularly single occupant vehicles, or to redistribute that demand to off-peak times. Reducing the demand for single occupant vehicle trips and shifting those trips to carpools, bicycles, pedestrians, and transit trips are ways to reduce congestion and make more efficient use of the existing transportation system.

In 2000, C/CAG adopted a policy that provided guidelines for analyzing the impacts of land use decisions made by local jurisdictions. This policy is implemented during the environmental review process and applies to developments that generate 100+ peak-hour trips on the Congestion Management Program (CMP) roadway network.

The policy requires that the TDM plan include strategies that have the capacity to fully reduce the demand for new peak-hour trips; thus, the guidelines also provides a menu of TDM measures and corresponding trip reduction credits.

C/CAG Land Use Guide Policy

C/CAG CMP Roadway Network